Rusty Blazenhoff

Rusty Blazenhoff


Custom Handwriting Necklaces

Jewelry artist Brittany Leigh of Rochester, New York says the idea for her personalized handwriting necklaces started after her grandmother died, when she wanted to…


Heart-Shaped Watermelon

RocketNews24 is reporting that Japanese watermelon farmer Hiroichi Kimura of Surprised Farmer spent years cultivating a heart-shaped watermelon after a neighbor commented that it would…

Ramen Crust Pizza

J. Kenji López-Alt of Serious Eats shares how to make Ramen Crust Pizza (which is exactly what it sounds like). He says, “It looks like…

Marijuana Leaf Shaped Pot Holder

The “Pot Holder” is a green silicone dishwasher-safe pot holder that is shaped like a marijuana leaf so you can “handle all your baked goods.”…