‘Tonight Show’ Plans to Move Back to NYC, Jimmy Fallon Slated to Succeed Jay Leno as Host
The New York Times is reporting that Jimmy Fallon is slated to succeed Jay Leno as the next TV host of The Tonight Show and…
Google Launches Note-Taking Web & Android App ‘Google Keep’
Google has announced the release of Google Keep, a note-taking web and Android app that quickly captures what’s on your mind, stores it in the…
‘SmartPhonies’ One-Minute Movie Awards 2013 Winners
Winner in the Funny category by Jukka Sadeharju The winners of the first ever “SmartPhonies” One-Minute Movie Awards have been chosen by the editorial staff…
The Image Toaster Marks Date-Related Images onto Toasted Bread
“Super Mega Mega Toaster” The Image Toaster is a toaster prototype created by Scott van Haastrecht which searches the internet for images related to that…
Flaming & Whistling Alcohol Rocket Bottles Lit by a Krypton Laser
Scott A. Stevenson of WorldScott used a 100mW Spyder III Krypton laser to light black flash paper inside of ten alcohol rocket bottles. When ignited,…
Cat and Bird Chasing a Laser Dot Together
A cat and a bird work in tandem to chase a laser dot across the floor. submitted via Laughing Squid Tips
Hacking The Planet, New Weather Channel Original Series
Science comedian Brian Malow has been working on “Hacking the Planet,” a new original series for The Weather Channel which he writes about in a…
Tim & Eric’s GoPro Show, Upcoming Comedy Series on Jash
“This is supposed to be show about you and I working together!” “Tim & Eric’s GoPro Show” is an upcoming comedic web series on JASH…
Felicia Day Set to Host Fifth Annual Shorty Awards
According to The Hollywood Reporter, actress Felicia Day is set to host the fifth annual Shorty Awards in New York City on April 8, 2013.…
Laughing Squid Meet-Up Wiggly 3D Portraits by Doctor Popular
Lori Dorn Doctor Popular created cool wiggly stereoscopic GIFs out of shots taken on his Nishika N9000 (a 35mm quadrascopic 3D lenticular camera) at a…