Air Swimmer Remote Control Inflatable Flying Zombie Shark
Wreak havoc throughout your home and office with the Zombie Shark Air Swimmer R/C, a huge remote control inflatable flying zombie shark with life-like motion. It is available to purchase at ThinkGeek. We have previously written about ThinkGeek and their online store that is packed full of geeky merchandise.
The Air Swimmers RC Zombie Shark stalks through the air with incredibly smooth and life-like motion. Fill your shark with helium at the nearest party store, florist shop, or grocery store that carries balloons. (Or use the helium tank in your friendly mad scientist’s lab.) The shark’s body is made from a high-quality, durable nylon material that will stay inflated for weeks and can be refilled over and over again. Grab the infra-red remote and you can guide the shark up, down, and 360 degrees around.
images via ThinkGeek
via ThinkGeek