A Tiny Pair of Underpants Small Enough to Wear on Your Hand by Archie McPhee
Online novelty retailer Archie McPhee released a tiny pair of underpants that are so small that you can actually wear them on your hand. According to Archie McPhee, the 95% cotton and 5% spandex underwear comfortably covers the “finger crotch.”
We don’t know if the phrase “finger crotch” is a thing, but if it is, we’ve got a solution to covering it up. A tiny pair of men’s tighty-whities sized for you to wear over two of your fingers. This is a real (real tiny) pair of 95% cotton, 5% spandex 5-1/2” waist men’s briefs that will make every picture of your hand slightly more disturbing. Pair this with some Finger Feet and it will look like your hand is a tiny man wearing underwear!