A Remarkable Photo Series That Captures Geometrical Shapes Within Film and TV Scenes
Raymond Thi has created a really cool collection of geometric shots from both film and television using the Composition Cam, an app he created to address his fondness for patterns and shapes. The app, which can locate and outline specific geometric shapes within any type of scene, is available on both iOS and Android .
At one of my lowest points, I felt the urge to make something personal to me that reflected pattern recognition. I made the camera app first. I made it for myself to use everyday, to help see things. Really see things. These images are the reversal. Since I made an app to capture hidden beauty, I wanted to expose it. The lines appear instinctively in my mind. I simply place them on the still. It’s cathartic and why I keep doing it every day. …There’s something about these patterns that resonate with people.
via My Modern Met