A Powerful Short Film About a Concerned Father Who Agrees to Be His Son’s ‘Second’ in a Modern DuelJanuary 15, 2025
How the Coen Brothers Use a Wide Lens to Create Humor and Empathy for Their CharactersFebruary 25, 2016
How the Use of Ensemble Staging Techniques in Movies Subtly Shows the Audience Where to LookDecember 31, 2015
A Close Examination of How Buster Keaton Masterfully Executed His Silent Film Gags and His Influence on Modern FilmNovember 23, 2015
An Intriguing Explanation As To Why Vancouver Portrays Every City in the World Except ItselfSeptember 14, 2015
An Insightful Documentary Profiling the Legendary Looney Toons Director and Animator Chuck JonesJuly 17, 2015