Two Cat Lovers Are Currently Raising Funds to Open the World’s First Cat Cinema and Café in London
Avid cat and film lovers Paula Siedlecka and William Piper are seeking to open Great Kitten, the world’s first cat cinema in London and have taken to Indiegogo to raise the funds to help them get there. While a cat-centered movie theater is a truly wonderful idea, the pair also sees this project as a good opportunity to give back to their community.
Following the huge success of Cat Cafes around Europe, we’re taking this concept to the next level by combining 3 of Britain’s most loved: Cinema, Cats and a Cuppa. We’ll show around 10 movies per week of all different kinds for you to enjoy snuggled up to a kitty! One week it could be the latest blockbuster, the next an art-house cult classic – we’ll be sure to cater to a varied audience. …As well as the unique cinema experience we will offer, an important part of our mission is to give back to the local community. Once a week, we’ll invite children and adults who struggle with mental health issues (such as depression and anxiety), physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses.
via DesignTAXI