A Chaos Christmas Carol with Chicken John and friends…

Chicken John Loves Santarchy

This Sunday, December 24th Chicken John will be hosting his 19th annual Christmas Eve show, which will take place at 12 Galaxies in San Francisco.

Here’s Chicken’s description of the event:

So this will be my 19th year of doing a show on Christmas Eve. Wow. I warn you that this is possibly the stupidest show you have ever seen. It’s a thinly veiled game show but it’s actually a yard sale in reverse. Leeemme ‘splain: YOU bring a dumb gift or 2 wrapped. You have no family, so you come to my stupid show. I drag each and every person in attendance on stage to answer useless trivia questions. If you answer correctly, you get to open a present. If you answer incorrectly, you get to open a present. Depending on how many presents are brought, the show can go on for quite a while. Last year we started at 10:00. We were still giving presents at 3:30. I don’t ever think I’ve been that drunk. Anyway… Christmas is a depressing time of year if everyone else is committed to spend time with the bonds of blood… if you’re like me and are either far away from your relations or don’t have any, you appreciate being *somewhere*.

Krob DJ’s, Dr. Hal dispenses the gifts, Timothy works the door. I host. You bring the presents. Robert serves the drinks. Making 12 Galaxies knee deep in wrapping paper is fun. Please join us….

Sunday, December 24th. 10:00. Christmas Eve. $7. Bring a gift…

photo credit: Dav Yaginuma
Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.