Art Too Cute for Words: A Supahcute Dream Team Show

Kawaii Luncheon Meat

Kawaii Luncheon Meat by Jerrod Maruyama

Art Too Cute for Words: A Supahcute Dream Team Show is an art show curated by Hana Kim of featuring a collection that is “simply too cute for words.” The opening reception happens May 12, 2012 from 6 PM to 10 PM and the show runs through June 24, 2012 at Leanna Lin’s Wonderland in Los Angeles, California.

Participating All-Star Artists:

Axelhoney, Beastlies, Bubi Au Yeung, Crowded Teeth, Doubleparlour, Fat Rabbit Farm, Gary Ham, Genevieve Santos, Hiné Mizushima, Jerrod Maruyama, Katie Cook, Liz Adams, Martin Hsu, Mekanikku, Melissa Hsu (Susuten), PodgyPanda, Sawdust Bear, 64 Colors, Susie Ghahremani and Yoko Nomura

Help Friends Play Games: I'll give you ride, you give Dolly a ride

Help Friends Play Games: I’ll give you ride, you give Dolly a ride by Hiné Mizushima

Liz Adams

by Liz Adams

Unicorn Deer

Unicorn Deer by Mekanikku


images via Supahcute

Rusty Blazenhoff
Rusty Blazenhoff