The Sharktopus Movie Debuts on SyFy Network
The creature known as Sharktopus came into this world as a throwaway line on a Futurama episode. But now the SyFy Network and B-movie legend Roger Corman have manifested this super hyrbrid of the sea in a new made-for-TV movie called Sharktopus which debuted on SyFy this weekend.
The movie stars Eric Roberts and is shot in gloriously cheesy, low-budget style. You will be amazed that something as low budget as this can still be made. And the Sharktopus himself is really the oceanic monster mashup we’ve all been waiting for. Our friends at io9 have been covering this movie like an 8-armed hoodie (with a special fin-accommodating hood at the back, of course).
Below, in a promotional video, Roger Corman talks about a disagreement between himself and Sharktopus:
Sharktopus speaks out about the Sharktopus-ploitation of it all:
A day in the life of an actresses who appears (and dies) in the movie (her scream is seen in the trailer):