Seven-Year-Old ‘Star Wars’ Fan Sends Letter to George Lucas Asking to Allow Jedi to Marry & Receives a Great Response

Collin Letter

Adorable seven-year-old Star Wars fan Colin Gilpatric and his mother Peggy sent a letter to George Lucas asking that he allow Jedi to get married. Little Colin was very excited when he received a fantastic response, as well as a lot of cool Star Wars gifts, in the mail from the team at Lucasfilm.

Hello, Colin,

Thank you so much for writing to us with your question. It sounds like the Force is strong with you, and you are showing great wisdom by asking your question. To be a Jedi is to truly know the value of friendship, of compassion, and of loyalty, and these are values important in a marriage. The Sith think inward, only of themselves. When you find someone that you can connect to in a selfless way, then you are on the path of the light, and the dark side will not take hold of you. With this goodness in your heart, you can be married.

We enclosed a few gifts that we hope you enjoy. Thank you again for writing to us.

May the Force Be With You!


Your Friends at Lucasfilm

LucasFilm Letter

images via Geek Dad

via Geek Dad

Justin Page
Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.