Heng Balance Lamp, A Unique Light With Floating Magnets That Meet in the Middle to Power It On


Award-winning designer Li Zanwen and has created the Heng Balance Lamp, a truly unique light source that both calming and magical. The light is framed out of wood and its switch consists of two floating magnets that meet in the middle to provide the necessary power to provide light.

HENG lamp has a switch structure of two balls inside the wooden frames with embedded magnets. By moving them, these magnets will attract one another, thereby triggering the switch. It’s a new and interactive way to brighten up your room!The two balls are the switches of the lamps. By lifting the lower ball up, it will draw the two balls together with each other’s magnets inside. First they will flow in the air and when they reach a balance, the light will switch on.

Zanwen is currently raising funds through Kickstarter and Design Nest, both of which are very successful. This success has led to greater product variety, allowing supporters to choose the shape, color and material they prefer.


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Living Room


via Swissmiss

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.