Critical Mass 20th Anniversary Bike Angel Poster by Mona Caron
This September 28th will mark 20 years since the founding of Critical Mass in San Francisco in 1992. While Critical Mass remains a controversial subject…

A Brief History of John Baldessari, Narrated by Tom Waits
Many people know conceptual artist John Baldessari as “the guy who puts dots on people’s faces.” But did you know that he is 6’7″ and…
EFF’s Dark Strong Encryption Saves Lives T-Shirt at DEF CON
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is heading to Las Vegas this week for DEF CON 19, the elite conference that gathers hackers, crackers, journalists and…

4 Way Synchronized Skydive Dancing
Four guys inside a wind flight simulator in Prague have invented a new form of synchronized skydive dancing.

Fair Use School: A Reply to YouTube’s Copyright School
Last April, YouTube came up with a new way to help its users understand copyright law. Alleged infringers would be required to watch Copyright School…

Credit is Due, The Attribution Song by Nina Paley
Awesome cartoonist and free culture activist Nina Paley has produced “Credit Is Due”, another of her great minute meme videos, encouraging those of us who…
Star Drek and Other Vaders, Comics by Adam McCauley
“Star Drek” and “Other Vaders”, from the series of delightful comics by San Francisco illustrator Adam McCauley. Adam has also illustrated a number of fantastic…
Color Photos of San Francisco Taken After 1906 Earthquake & Fire
Last week, the AP reported on a startling find from the Smithsonian Institution: the earliest known color photographs of San Francisco, which also may be…
MondoWindow Shows You What You Are Seeing Below When Flying
It’s often said that those of us in the coastal centers of San Francisco and New York don’t know anything about the middle of the…

Latest Steven Soderbergh Film “Contagion” Set in San Francisco
The corner of Taylor and Union was spookily transformed this weekend. It looked like post-pandemic America, with mounds of infected clothes thrown out on the…