How Certain People Become Self-Serving Narcissists Who Are Apathetic to the World Around Them
The colorful whiteboard animation series After Skool vividly illustrated the sadly prescient words of author Robert Greene, who through his studies and various books learned that while everyone has a bit of a dark side, certain people become self-serving narcissists who are apathetic to the concerns of others, particularly those whom the narcissist believes to be below them. Greene further explains that it all comes from a place of low self-esteem and a need for attention.
If I don’t have that inner self-esteem, the only way I get people to love me is by being incredibly dramatic and overly dramatic etc etc etc and always making myself the center of attention. That’s what creates a deep narcissist. That’s their only way of getting the love that they need so much. …So narcissism self-love is not a bad thing but what happens is as you get older if you go too deep into it, it becomes a problem.Â

Greene encourages those with this type of insecurity to channel their anger into more positive outlets.
Channel that energy into something productive and helpful and put it into something that it goes to something that helps society that’s using your dark side for positive purposes because the dark side of human nature has a lot of creativity, has a lot of energy. An artist has to have a dark side. You use your dark side, because all those dark emotions, all the people that shat on you in your life, they inspire you. They create your best work.