One Laptop per Child

One Laptop per Child

I recently attended a great talk by Mary Lou Jepsen, the CTO of One Laptop per Child, an amazing organization founded by renown computer scientist…

King of Swill

Tom Sheft sent us this photo he shot of a nice billboard liberation he came across in Portland last month. It was a well executed…

Laughing Squid Photo Slide Show

I just finished creating a slide show featuring 1300 of my photos from the last few years which I’ll be projecting on the big screens…

What Is Laughing Squid

What Is Laughing Squid?

Laughing Squid is an art, culture, and technology blog and a hosting company specializing in Managed WordPress hosting.

Merlin Mann as the ‘Phone Guy’

Merlin Mann has been recording a bunch of hilarious “Phone Guy” videos. You know Phone Guy; he’s that guy who’s always on the phone. Except…

SF Beta November

Back in September Zaptix founder and CEO Christian Perry started SF Beta, a new monthly web tech mixer. November’s Beta SF takes place this Thursday,…

Nick Denton Takes Over Valleywag

This morning Gawker founder Nick Denton took over as the temporary editor of Silicon Valley gossip blog Valleywag, as he looks for a full-time replacement.…

Royale With Cheese

Robots reenact the infamous “Royale With Cheese” scene from Pulp Fiction.