
Recently I’ve been reminiscing about some of the early video games I played, including Adventure. Adventure was a video game adaptation of the classic text-based…

Santacon Party Photos

photo by Scott Beale It was great to finally show my Portland Santacon video again last night after all these years. Cafe du Nord was…

Holiday Time at Union Square

Last night’s Bastard Christmas Party took place at Otis which is on Maiden Lane, so when I left the event, I decided to wander on…


Speaking of classic Atari 2600 games, the predecessor to Venture, was Adventure, which was loosely based one of the original text-based games Colossal Cave Adventure…

70,000 Santas Invade Moscow

Speaking of Santas, 70,000 Santas invaded Moscow on Sunday as part of a pro-Kremlin publicity stunt in honor of the Battle of Moscow. photo via…

The Kenquest Building, Beverly Hills

While driving along Santa Monica Boulevard on my recent LA trip, I came across The Kenquest Building in full Christmas mode, located on the corner…

Klein’s Deli Has Left the Building

Potrero Hill favorite Klein’s Deli has closed after 27 years of making great sandwiches. Ted Rheingold reports on the sad news and last night he…