
LunchMeet, the latest video blog from PodTech, is produced by Eddie Codel and Irina Slutsky of Geek Entertainment TV fame and features interviews with people…

Ask Dr. Hal’s Tenth Triumph

The 10th iteration of the current run of Ask Dr. Hal at 12 Galaxies takes place tonight (Wednesday, November 22nd). If your still in town…

Flickr Camera Finder

Flickr has launched a new feature that shows some really interesting data on the types of cameras that their members use. It’s interesting to note…

She’s Such a Geek

“She’s Such a Geek: Women Write About Science, Technology, and Other Nerdy Stuff” is a new book of essays by female geeks, published by Seal…

The Six-Word Memoir Contest

SMITH Magazine, run by my good friend Larry Smith, has just announced The Six-Word Memoir Contest, challenging people to sum up their lives in exactly…

Ryan Is Hungry Interviews Scott Beale

Video blogging dynamic duo Jay Dedman and Ryanne Hodson recently interviewed me about Laughing Squid for their video blog Ryan Is Hungry. As I’m known…