Matching Funds For Chicken John’s Mayoral Campaign
The next milestone in Chicken John’s campaign to become the Mayor of San Francisco is this coming Tuesday, August 28th when he needs to have…
Thirteen Blog Cliches by Coding Horror
Software developer Jeff Atwood, who runs the blog Coding Horror, recently wrote a great post suggesting Thirteen Blog Cliches you should avoid as a blogger.…
Andy Kaufman on The Tonight Show With Host Steve Martin
Andy Kaufman was a guest on The Tonight Show, interviewed by guest host Steve Martin. During the segment, Andy talks to Steve about the origins…
Inbox Zero, Merlin Mann’s Action-Based System For Email
Speaking of email management issues, last month Merlin Mann gave an excellent Tech Talk at Google on “Inbox Zero”, his action-based system for managing email.…
Nikon Press Center Mad Lib
This just in from the Nikon Press Center: “Canon Acquires Nikon, Product Line To Merge”. Build your own Nikon Press Center Mad Lib while you…
Bacn, Email That Is Not Spam or Personal Email
Last weekend at PodCamp Pittsburgh 2 a new internet term was coined, “Bacn”. Bacn is email that is not spam and or personal email, but…
Mountain Dew Game Fuel Halo 3 Promotion
Way back when I used to drink a lot of Mountain Dew, too much in fact, while playing D&D, video games or messing around with…
After School Special: My Dad Lives in a Downtown Hotel
My post about Time for Timer reminded me of all of those After School Specials I watched growing up. The ABC television series was produced…
PopVox Awards Open Call for Digital Media Submissions
Our friend Robert Scales of Vancouver’s Raincity Studios just let us know that PopVox Awards is now open for submissions through the PopVox website. The…
Joe Mangrum’s City of Gold at the de Young Museum
Joe Mangrum is this month’s artist-in-residence at the de Young Museum in San Francisco and the opening reception for his ephemeral art installation “City of…