Moo!, A Bizarre and Surreal Animation by Cyriak Harris
Brighton, England animator Cyriak Harris creates some truly bizarre and surreal animation, including his fantastic music video “Moo!”.
Laughing Squid’s Last Minute Unholiday Party Photos
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Last Minute Unholiday Party last night. From all counts our little experiment was a huge success. Here…
Laughing Squid’s Last Minute Unholiday Party
I had lunch today with Violet Blue and we were both talking about how there wasn’t much planned this weekend leading up to NYE. I…
Bendito Machine, Beautifully Strange Flash Animation by Jossie Malis
Bendito Machine is a series of beautifully strange flash animation by Jossie Malis of Zumbakamera. So far he has released two episodes of the ten…
Help Open Source Traveler Noneck Noel Hitchhike To Antarctica
Since July of this year Noel A. Hidalgo (aka Noneck Noel) has been traveling around the world on an open source journey, documenting his experiences…
Seth Godin, Marketing Guru Action Figure by Archie McPhee
Hey kids! New from Archie McPhee, it’s the “Seth Godin, Marketing Guru Action Figure” with the Little Book of Marketing Secrets. Purple Cow not included.…
Local Girl’s Day In Pictures, Where Each Blog Post Is Illustrated
Cartoon artist Caroline Clifford runs the terrific blog “Local Girl’s Day In Pictures” where each entry is a separate comic illustration about the life of…
Royal de Luxe Presents Le Calmar Geant a Retropropulsion
Over on, we were going through our backlog of submissions and came across “Le Calmar Geant a Retropropulsion” (which translates to The Giant Squid…
Musk Mummy Street Art in San Francisco
photo by Scott Beale Here’s a great Musk Mummy that I came across on 20th Street last Friday on my way to the Last Gasp…
Photo of DJ Icecreamlopez at Pirate Cat Radio in Yes! Magazine
The current issue of Yes! Magazine features “Pirates on the Open Airwaves”, an article by Brooke Jarvis about micro radio stations, specifically Pirate Cat Radio.…