Vintage Classical Music Album Covers
jl.incrowd has a uploaded wonderful gallery of vintage classical music album covers. See Also: Jim Flora Art Show at Fantagraphics in Seattle via Boing Boing…
Giant LEGO Boulder Chases Indiana Jones Down San Francisco Hill
These guys created a giant boulder made of LEGO blocks and had it chase their friend dressed as Indiana Jones down a steep street on…
Rory Root (1958-2008), Owner of Comic Relief
Rory Root, a pioneering comic book retailer and owner of Berkeley’s Comic Relief, has passed away at age 50 from complications related to surgery for…
MODOFLY, Beautiful Moleskin Laser Etchings
If you thought that laser etching your laptop was cool, check out MODOFLY, an artist collaborative that does beautiful laser etchings on moleskines, including custom…
San Francisco Cardboard Tube Fighting League
The first San Francisco Cardboard Tube Fighting League tournament of the season takes place this Sunday, May 25th at Corona Heights Park in San Francisco.…
Threadless Prints Featuring Threadless T-Shirt Designs
“Tree Town” by Jérémie Royer Threadless has announced that they are starting to sell prints of some of their t-shirt designs.
New Laughing Squid Stickers in Blue, Pink & Orange! has printed up some special new Laughing Squid stickers in blue, pink and orange. These stickers will be making their debut at Laughing Squid…
The Wall, A Kinetic Sculpture Project To Benefit Todd Blair
Last September our friend and Survival Research Labs crew member Todd Blair was severely injured following the SRL Robodock show in Amsterdam. Todd suffered a…
Western Theme at the Fry’s in Palo Alto
Fry’s is a unique Silicon Valley computer and electronics chain that opened in 1972 with a converted grocery store in Sunnyvale, CA. There are now…
Paul Cesewski, Artist in Residence at the San Francisco Dump
San Francisco kinetic sculpture artist Paul Cesewski, who has created many amazing pedal powered rides for Cyclecide, is currently the Artist In Residence at SF…