Biggest Drawing in the World Created Using a GPS Briefcase and DHL
Artist Erik Nordenankar created a portrait of himself drawn on the Earth using DHL to deliver a briefcase containing a GPS device that tracked it’s…
WTF? Stamp
via The Triumph of Bullshit photo by passive-aggressive notes
How and Where Not To Do The ‘Fishstick’
Adam Lisagor shows us “How and where not to do The Fishstick”, the latest dance craze that is sweeping the nation, as reported by the…
10 Optical Illusions In 2 minutes
As part of the promotion for their new SOUL mobile phone, Samsung presents 10 optical illusions in 2 minutes. Thanks to Elijah & Joel for…
Go Flying in a World War II Bomber
Say hello to our latest guest blogger, Todd Lappin of Telstar Logistics, who is going to let you know how to go flying on an…
Animal Outlines Found on Maps of London Underground Tube Lines
Animals on the Underground is an art project started by Paul Middlewick in 1988 featuring outlines of animals that have been discovered on maps of…
Facebook Gangsta
Here’s the story of the Facebook Gangsta, who of course can be found on Facebook.
From Vienna with LED Love
I would like to welcome our next guest blogger, Johannes Grenzfurthner of Vienna, Austria, founder of monochrom, talking about the “LED Matrix”. – Scott My…
The Ultimate Unboxing
Scott Simpson takes us on an amazing journey of The Ultimate Unboxing. via Merlin Mann
The Chief Cook Robot Makes a Ham & Cheese Omelet
Researchers at the Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory (LASA) in Lausanne, Switzerland taught The Chief Cook Robot how to make a ham and cheese omelet.…