CHADAM, A 3D Animated Series by Alex Pardee
CHADAM is a cool new 3D animated web series by Alex Pardee based on characters he created for the rock band The Used. CHADAM is…
String Cup Phone Booth Installation
Here’s a clever string cup phone booth installation from Ann Arbor, MI. via Wooster Collective photo by unknown
Chrome Messenger Bags Grand Opening Party Photos
Here are a few photos I shot at last night’s Chrome Messenger Bags Grand Opening Party which celebrated the move of the Chrome store to…
The Guild, The Adventures of a Group of Online Gamers
The Guild is an entertaining online sitcom about the dynamics between a group of online gamers playing a MMORPG similar to The World of Warcraft.…
The New York Times Profiles Internet Trolls
The New York Times has an excellent article by Mattathias Schwartz on Internet trolls (“Malwebolence – The Trolls Among Us”), which will appear in Sunday’s…
Delicious 2.0 Launches, Switching to
Delicious 2.0, the latest version of the popular bookmarking service, finally launched today. The new version, which has been in development for quite a while,…
A 6 Year Old Child’s Drawing of the Laughing Squid Logo
6 year old Ford really likes the Laughing Squid logo, so much that he’s been drawing it non-stop. We are quite honored by the tribute…
Pseudo Doggie Diner at San Francisco Giants’ AT&T Park
Inside AT&T Park, home to the San Francisco Giants, there is a food concession that calls itself “Doggie Diner”. Of course it has little to…
A N00b’s Trip Through Comic-Con 2008
I had the immense pleasure of experiencing my first Comic-Con this past weekend in San Diego. Comic-Con is a massive event for all things comics,…
Dada Comes to Berkeley — Shotgun Players Take Ubu to the Park
Berkeley’s Shotgun Players are staging Ubu Roi the classic work of proto-dadaism. Performances will be in John Hinkel Park in Berkeley. The show opens this…