Animation of Quimby The Mouse Comic by Chris Ware For This American Life — Live!
A beautiful animation of the “Quimby The Mouse” comic by Chris Ware used as part of This American Life — Live!, which is returning to…
Squid Can’t Win (Pinstripes)
“Squid Can’t Win (Pinstripes)” by Phineas X. Jones, a follow-up to his previous illustration “Squid Can’t Win”. Prints are available through octophant[x]us.
Have You Seen This Cat? Look At This Dog!
photo by Lizzy Stewart photo by sugarfreak via Urban Prankster
‘Seven’ by They Might Be Giants
“Seven” by They Might Be Giants from their children’s album and DVD “Here Come The 123s”, which recently won a Grammy for Best Musical Album…
Berlin Street Art by Mentalgassi
photo by unknown The Berlin group Mentalgassi uses prints and wheatpaste to transform urban bits and objects into beautiful works of art. I love this…
Neighborhood Fruit, Helping Find Fruit in Backyards and on Public Land
The fine folks at Neighborhood Fruit have made a map of San Francisco that shows fruit trees on public lands. This is great if you…
Documenting Hospital Food Around The World
photo by BrokenSphere Hospital Food is a Tumblr blog that is nothing more than photos of hospital food submitted by folks in hospitals from all…
I Got an Envelope, Leaving Self-Addressed Stamped Envelopes Public Places
I Got an Envelope is a simple mail art project where anyone (yes, even you) can participate. Just take an envelope, self-address it, stamp it,…
‘Manifestations’ by Giles Timms
Giles Timms is a MFA student at UCLA who let us know about the release of his second animated film, “Manifestations”. The film is a…
Here & There – A 3D Horizonless Projection of Manhattan by Schulze & Webb
looking uptown from 3rd and 7th Here & There is a composite 3D image created by Schulze and Webb that borrows representations of Manhattan from…