Movie Narrative Charts by xkcd

The latest xkcd comic features several insanely detailed Movie Narrative Charts showing the character interactions in various films. Here’s a larger version.

Internet Movie Firearms Database (IMFDB)

Internet Movie Firearms Database (IMFDB), started by user Bunni in 2007. The Internet Movie Firearms Database is a website that allows users to find which…

‘Travesty City’ by Ryan Fedyk

Here’s the trailer for “Travesty City” a beautiful new animated short by Ryan Fedyk, who last year made the wonderful film “Anyone”. A waiter fills…

Photos: Halloween Benefit For Ace Auto

photos by Scott Beale A few photos from last night’s Halloween Benefit for Ace Auto’s Bill the Junkman at CELLspace in San Francisco. Photo Gallery:…

Halloween at The White House

photo by Luke Sharrett photo by Jewel Samad New York Times’ The Caucus reports on Halloween at The White House, where Barack Obama dressed as…