Quit Work, Humorous Quitting Fantasy Videos by DeviantART
DeviantART, a social network for artists, has released a series of videos in which suffering office workers transform into robots, pandas, and…
Inside Look At The Royal Tenenbaums House
The pop-culture road-trip team at the A.V. Club’s web-video series, Pop Pilgrims, recently traveled to the house used in filming for the 2001 cult classic…
Vector Portraits, Wonderfully Intimate Photos of Motorists on the Road
Time-Lapse of 12,000 New York Times Homepage Screenshots
Web developer Phillip Mendonça-Vieira accidentally captured 12,000 screenshots of the New York Times homepage between September 2010 and July 2011, which he compiled into this…
Proust, A Private Social Network for Sharing Life Stories
Proust is a private social network for sharing life stories amongst family and close friends. Users answer revealing questions focused on various aspects of their…
Chihuahua Chases Armed Robbers Out of Store
On July 7, two robbers (one carrying a rifle) entered a Los Angeles County smoke shop and demanded money from the shop’s owner. Within…
Big Bang Theory, A Tiny Art Car With 10 Retractable Bowling Pins
photo by Ariel Dovas photo by Jennifer Boriss “Big Bang Theory” by San Francisco artist Eric Staller is an adorable Fiat 500 art car with…
Achievement Unlocked, Left The House
“Achievement Unlocked, Left The House”, a painfully accurate t-shirt by Split Reason. We know it’s hard, but you can do it! A word of advice…
1960s Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs Identification Kit
Well before Nancy Reagan was pushing the “Just Say No” anti-drugs campaign in the 1980s to the nation’s youth, a company named Winston Products for…
Join Us, New Album by They Might Be Giants
“Join Us”, the latest album by They Might Be Giants has just been released. TMBG ran a contest asking people to make a music video…