Floating Orchestra, An iPhone-Controlled Ball Levitating Musical Instrument
“Floating Orchestra” by UK-based Poietic Studio is a musical instrument that levitates 19 balls on jets of air–each ball represents an instrument, with instrument volume…
Casey Neistat Tests iPhone Virtual Assistant Siri vs. Human Assistant
Casey Neistat tests the virtual assistant Siri on his iPhone against his real-life personal assistant Thurman to help with his “girlfriend situation”.
Insects Filmed in Extreme Close Up with Macro Lens
“STOP STAMPING ON US!” by Stuart Sinclair is a short video of insects shot in extreme close up using a macro lens. Sinclair captured the…
Horn Bike, An Unpowered Amplifier and Bike Mount for iPhone
Horn Bike is a simple unpowered audio amplifying horn attachment and bike mount for iPhone that increases the phone’s speaker volume by 13 dB (see…
Baby Squid by Nemo Gould
Baby Squid, a wonderful new sculpture by Nemo Gould. This is a follow-up to Nemo’s beautiful Giant Squid sculpture.
CCTV/Creative Control, A Giant Eye Projected Over Brooklyn
“CCTV/Creative Control” by Marcos Zotes is a video projection of a giant eye projected on the underside of a 10 story high water tower in…
The Little Red Hen, A Children’s Story Illustrated by Andy Warhol in 1958
Pop artist Andy Warhol illustrated The Little Red Hen, a short story found in The Best in Children’s Books published by Nelson Doubleday in 1958.…
Zombiecon NYC 2011, A Game of Brains
The 7th Annual Zombiecon NYC takes place October 15 starting at 1pm. Zombies will descend on Manhattan (particularly its bars) and stumble their way to…
Playa Time: Dust to Dust, A Time-Lapse Video of Burning Man 2011
Playa Time: Dust to Dust, a beautiful time-lapse video of Burning Man 2011 by Matthew Goodman. From dust to dust, this time lapse covers over…
I Am The 2%
I Am The 2% by Slacktory, which I assume was from the recent #OccupyTheRefrigerator movement.