Swimming Cities in India Project Ocean of Blood Concludes, Needs Help Coming Home
The Brooklyn artist group, Swimming Cities, has nearly completed their Ocean of Blood project where they created floating sculptural boats and traveled down the Ganges…
Normal Activity
Normal Activity by tommyxvx, “One of the most realistic viewing experiences ever!”
Swede Fest 8, A Film Festival Featuring Only Sweded Movies
Swede Fest 8, the only film festival dedicated to sweded films, returns on November 5, 2011 to the Full Circle Brewing Company in Fresno, California.…
The Gentlemen’s Rant: Starbucks
The Gentlemen’s Rant takes on Starbucks.
Please Post Bills, Bill Murray Tribute Art Show at Gallery1988
FrankenMurray by Jeff Boyes Suntory Time by Doug LaRocca Winger by Rich Pellegrino Gallery1988 in Los Angeles will be hosting the Please Post Bills: a…
Pumpkin Stencil
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Zombie University, Explaining The Fundamentals of Zombie Survival
Mario and Fafa of Glove and Boots explain the fundamentals of zombie survival in their latest video Zombie University.
Heidi Klum Wears a Gory Skinned Dead Body Costume
Model Heidi Klum, already known for over-the-top Halloween costumes, donned a custom skintight, and quite gory, skinned dead body (ala “Visible Woman”) costume to the…
Time-Lapse of Google Logo Carved Out of Giant Pumpkins
In celebration of Halloween, the front page of Google is featuring a time-lapse Google Doodle animation of their logo being cared out of giant pumpkins…
Princess Darth Vader Halloween Costume
Redditor and proud geek parent Jon Swope posted photos of his daughter wearing a Princess Darth Vader Halloween costume.