StuckUp Stickers, iPhone App for Finding & Sharing Street Art Stickers
Stuck Up Stickers is a free iPhone app for finding, documenting, and sharing art stickers wherever they are found. The app was created by All…
Shit Support Agents Say
Our friends at Zendesk (we use their awesome cloud based help desk system) made Shit Support Agents Say featuring Matthew Latkiewicz, their contribution to the…
Douchebag Merit Badges
Douchebag Merit Badges by Pleated Jeans
Years, A Modified Record Player That Creates Music From a Tree’s Growth Rings
“Years” is a modified record player that analyzes the growth rings on a cross section of a tree and translates the information into ghostly piano…
Beautiful Time-Lapse Video of Yosemite National Park
Sheldon Neill and Colin Delehanty created a beautiful time-lapse video of Yosemite National Park as part of their Project Yosemite. The video is set to…
Super Creepy Animatronic Baby
A nightmare inducing video of a creepy animatronic baby mechanism that was built by Chris Clarke for a soap opera. via io9 & MetaFilter
Visualization of How People on Twitter Reacted to the Internet Blackout
Andrei Taraschuk and Aaron Ott created a fascinating visualization showing how people on Twitter reacted the Internet blackouts on January 18th in protest of SOPA…
When Harry Met Sally Faked Orgasm Scene Remixed Using Film Clips
Matthijs Vlot remixed Meg Ryan’s famous faked orgasm scene at NYC’s Katz’s Delicatessen from When Harry Met Sally… using clips from various films. Previously we…
Game Mod Replaces The Dragons in Skyrim With My Little Pony
zdzichorowerzysta created a ridiculous Pony Dragon Mod on SkyrimNexus that replaces the Dragons in Skyrim with My Little Pony. via Topless Robot
Photos: Coffee Common x NYC at A Startup Store
Here are a few photos from last Wednesday’s opening of Coffee Common x NYC at A Startup Store. Check out the Coffee Common website for…