When It’s Okay To Say “Gay”

Austin comedian Sam Killermann of It’s Pronounced Metrosexual has created this handy flowchart that shows when it’s appropriate to use the word “gay”. Gay isn’t…

How a Smartphone Knows Up from Down

Bill Hammack explains the intricacies of a smartphone accelerometer—the device that determines the orientation of the phone (video). via Gizmodo

Commodore 64 Bass Guitar by Jeri Ellsworth

Commodore 64 Bass Guitar by Jeri Ellsworth

photo by Makenai photo by Blake Maloof Jeri Ellsworth created this awesome Commodore 64 bass guitar for last weekend’s Maker Faire Bay Area. Ellsworth explains…


Scorzie, A Scorekeeping Beer Koozie

Scorzie is a stainless steel beverage koozie that holds beer (or soda) and easily keeps score for your favorite games, like cornhole or bocce. It…

Hipster Book Collection at Tumblr HQ

While visiting the Tumblr HQ recently I came across this lovely collection of Hipster themed books (insert snarky reference to Tumblr and hipsters). photo by…