The Dark Knight Rises Trailer Dubbed With Pee-wee Herman Voices
Jimmy Fallon has released a special version of The Dark Knight Rises trailer dubbed with Pee-wee Herman voices. via Tastefully Offensive

Hungry Dog Attempts To Eat Cars Passing By In Traffic
A hungry dog trying to eat cars passing in traffic while hanging it’s head out of a moving vehicle. via Nothing To Do With…

Famous Photos Recreated Using Star Wars Figures

Adaptation Film Alphabet Quizzes Your Movie Adaptation Knowledge
The Adaptation Film Alphabet poster by designer Stephen Wildish visually challenges you to figure out the movies illustrated, all of which come from derivative works,…

Vinderhosen, A Tiny Pair of Lederhosen for Wine
First, the folks at Archie McPhee put wine in its own special underwear and now, with Vinderhosen, a bottle of wine gets its own tiny…

Six Hundred and Forty-One Clapboard Slates From an Independent Film
Austin filmmaker and editor Don Swaynos created a mesmerizing compilation featuring all 641 clapboard slates from the production of the independent film A Splice of…

EnableTalk, Special Sensory Gloves Give a Voice to Sign Language
A designer and three programmers from Ukraine (aka the “Quad Squad”) worked together on EnableTalk, a project that gives a voice to sign language using…

RaXibo, A Bicycle with Pedals for Hands and Feet
RaXibo is a Swiss-designed bicycle that is propelled by foot pedals and hand pedals (video). The bicyclist steers RaXibo by tilting the hand drive in…

Sewnnews, Embroidered New York Times Photos by Lauren DiCioccio
For her “Sewnnews” series, San Francisco Bay Area artist Lauren DiCioccio hand embroiders photos she finds in The New York Times, presenting the embroidery on…

Vegetabrella, An Umbrella That Looks Like a Head of Romaine Lettuce
Japanese company Toyko noble has designed the Vegetabrella, an umbrella that looks like a head of romaine lettuce when folded, right down to the velcro…