BevBuckle, A Retractable Belt Buckle That Holds a Beer
BevBuckle holding a bottle. Also hold cans, snack packs, chips, hot dogs, etc. The BevBuckle is a retractable belt buckle specially designed to hold a…
Swing Table, A Table With 8 Suspended Chairs
Swing Table is a walnut table with eight chairs that hang from a frame high above the table. It measures 7.5 feet long by 7…
NotFound Project, Placing Missing Children Alerts on 404 Error Pages
The NotFound Project is a European initiative to make use of “404 – Not Found” error web pages by placing missing child alerts on them…
The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee: Growing, Roasting, and Drinking, With Recipes
Homemade iPhone 5 Dock by Casey Neistat
Frustrated by not being able to use his new iPhone 5 with his old iPhone dock, filmmaker Casey Neistat made his own iPhone 5 dock…
Arrowhead: Signal, A Low Budget Independent Sci-Fi Film Short
Arrowhead: Signal is a low budget 10 minute sci-fi film short inspired by the upcoming Australian independent feature film, Arrowhead, which is about an escaped…
Detailed Miniature Katz’s Deli Sculpture by Alan Wolfson
Alan Wolfson was commissioned to create Katz’s Deli: Closing Time, a fantastically detailed miniature sculpture of the legendary Katz’s Deli in New York City. In…
Three-Dimensional Posters by Ersinhan Ersin
London-based designer Ersinhan Ersin makes posters that are cleverly cut, bent, or otherwise manipulated to create three-dimensional forms. via Neatorama
A Tour of Hamburger Alley Burger Joints in New York City
For the new Hungry In web series, Citysearch scout Josh Ozersky gives a video tour of New York City’s ‘Hamburger Alley’, an area in Manhattan…
A Dramatic Reading of Ingredients on a Box of Macaroni & Cheese
Dave Urlakis of Chicago sketch comedy group Awkward Spaceship performs a haunting dramatic reading of the ingredients on a box of Kraft macaroni and cheese.…