Sympathy for Slender Man, An Animated Music Video by ADHD
“Sympathy for Slender Man” is an animated music video by Animation Domination High Def (ADHD) which shows a gentle side to the fictitious internet creature…
A Cover From Every Red Hot Chili Peppers Album in Only One Minute
Los Angeles comic and musician Chad Neidt covers a song from every Red Hot Chili Peppers album in one minute.
The Bay Lights, Bridge Art Installation Nears Grand Lighting Ceremony
In 2011, we posted about “The Bay Lights,” an upcoming project by artist Leo Villareal that would cover the west span of the San Francisco…
Favorite Memes, An Ode to Memes In the Style of Journey’s Faithfully
“Grumpy Cat, Always saying nope, His eternal frown makes me smile” “Favorite Memes” is a humorous ode to internet memes done in the style of…
Dog Eat Dog, The True & Funny Story About Zachary Quinto Adopting a Dog From a Shelter
Petsami produced “Dog Eat Dog,” a true (though humorously exaggerated) story about how actor Zachary Quinto adopted his first dog from a Los Angeles…
Finger Trap Handbags by James Piatt, Based on Toy Puzzles
American designer James Piatt has taken the “Chinese finger trap puzzle” and brought it to his Finger Trap line of handbags (full size, Mini). Fingers…
Rolled, Film About an LA Secret Society Dedicated to Toilet Papering
Rolled by Whit Scott is a documentary about a secret society of Los Angeles high school students that has been toilet papering houses for more…
MINIUM X-Ray iPhone Case Shows Off Inside of Phone
The >MINIUM X-Ray iPhone Case shows off the intricate internals of the phone thanks to a X-ray-style image on the back cover of the case.…
When We Went MAD!, A Documentary That Looks at the History & Influence of MAD Magazine
When We Went MAD!: A Documentary of Echh-ic Proportions is an upcoming documentary film directed by Alan Bernstein that “looks at the history and influence…
Man Pranks Facebook Users by Recreating Their Profile Photos
Several years ago Redditor CasinoRoy pranked Facebook users who shared his name by recreating their profile photos, down to their poses and clothes, and then…