8 New and Necessary Punctuation Marks

New & Necessary Punctuation Marks

The sinceriod, mockwotation marks, and sarcastises are among 8 new punctuation marks proposed by Mike Trapp of College Humor. via Neatorama

Stick Food

Chicken ‘n Waffles on a Stick

“It’s sweet, spicy & savory and definitely food truck worthy.” On Instructables, Imnopeas repurposed a home corn dog making machine to make Chicken ‘n Waffles…


Spocks, A Mister Spock Socks Design

“Spocks” are a Mister Spock-themed socks challenge design by tides, now up for voting on Threadless. Not wanting these socks would be highly illogical, for…

Olive Oyl

The Pictures in the Pudding Lids

“Chewbacca” Zach Bonnan says, “Some people see visions in the clouds” and “some see Jesus in their toast” but he sees “weird things on the…