Amazing Timelapse of a Solar Eclipse at Sunrise
What New York City Would Look Like on the Surface of Other Planets
Mars Artist Nickolay Lamm has created a series of illustrations with the help of astrobiologist and former NASA Ames Research Center employee Marilyn Vogel that…
The Portland Press, A Mason Jar French Press Made in Oregon
The Portland Press is a clever French press coffee brewer that is based on a standard Mason jar. The other components—the wooden top, wool cozy,…
Melon, A Brain Wave-Sensing Headband That Tracks the Wearer’s Focus Levels
Melon is a brain wave-sensing headband that pairs with a mobile app to track how well you focus when doing various activities. The headband uses…
Recurring Developments, Interactive Website Visualizes Running Jokes on ‘Arrested Development’
“Recurring Developments” is an interactive website that helps to visualize and map out the immense collection of awesome running jokes from seasons 1, 2 and…
What Your Body Does In 30 Seconds
In “What Your Body Does In 30 Seconds,” BuzzFeed answers how many times you breathe, how many times your heart beats, and how many times…
How to Make a Playable Record Using a Laser Cutter
Last year we posted about a tutorial by Amanda Ghassaei of Instructables on how to turn MP3s into playable 3D printed records. Ghassaei recently posted…
Google Announces New, More Personal Google Maps
Google unveiled a completely redesigned version of Google Maps at today’s Google I/O developer’s conference keynote. The new Google Maps is both a visual…
Fred Armisen Tries Google Glass in Real Life After Parodying Them on ‘Saturday Night Live’
image via engadget “Uh, I think I’d shoplift it.” For a feature on engadget, actor and comedian Fred Armisen adjusted his thick-rimmed glasses to try…
Expo 1: New York, Ecology-Themed Art Festival in New York City
Expo 1: New York is a wide-ranging art festival organized by MoMA PS1 that is taking place in venues around New York City through September…