Don’t Be A Glasshole, A PSA For Google Glass Owners
Nobody likes a Glasshole. Mashable has created “Don’t Be A Glasshole”, a humorous PSA for Google Glass owners on rude behaviors to avoid — like…
Brassft Punk Covers Daft Punk Classic Songs With New Orleans Brass Band Musicians
Brassft Punk Explained Louisiana-based musician Earl Scioneux III and his Madd Wikkid’s Brassft Punk project cover Daft Punk classics à la New Orleans brass band…
The Netherlands Flaunts Its Hipster Credentials in Tourism Campaign: ‘Holland. The Original Cool.’
This tourism commercial for the Netherlands points out that the Dutch—with their bikes, wooden shoes, and pleasantly accented but fluent English—have always been cool. It’s…
Sandwich Monsters, Delicious Photos of Creative Sandwich Creatures
“Punxsutawney Phil’ly Cheeseteak” Sandwich Monsters is a project by New York City art director Kaisa Haupt of delicious photos of creatures, animals and well-known pop…
Trying Astronaut Food at NASA’s Space Food Systems Laboratory
Will Smith and Norman Chan of Tested visited the Space Food Systems Laboratory at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas to learn about space…
Hadfield At Home, A Parody Series Based on Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s Experiments in Space
CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield recreates the famous towel-wringing experiment at home in Canada! Hadfield At Home is a new parody series by New York-based Sean…
Creative and Ridiculous Ways to Open a Beer
An amusing compilation video of creative and ridiculous ways to open a beer. Some techniques are more effective than others.
The New Periodic Table Song by AsapScience
AsapSCIENCE host Mitchell Moffit performs “The New Periodic Table Song,” singing the names of all the elements in order with an informational tidbit on…
J.J. Abrams Takes Audience Suggestions For ‘Star Wars’ on Jimmy Kimmel Live
Princess Leia and Chewbacca need to do it. During an appearance on a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, director J.J. Abrams took suggestions…
To Infinity and Beyond, A Realistic Illustration of Toy Story’s Buzz Lightyear by Dan LuVisi
“To Infinity and Beyond” is a pop culture illustration of Buzz Lightyear by California-based artist Dan LuVisi that gives the animated Toy Story action figure…