The Wheel House, A Mobile Theatrical Performance in a Rolling House
“The Wheel House” is a theatrical performance that occurs within a circular rolling structure. Two performers play mysterious travelers who live in a rolling house—the…
Trent Reznor Announces New Full-Length Nine Inch Nails Album
Trent Reznor announced today that his newly reformed band Nine Inch Nails will be releasing a full-length album Hesitation Marks by the end of 2013…
Sculptural Seating Made of Recycled Propane Tanks
Artist Colin Selig transforms scrapped propane tanks into remarkably beautiful benches and chairs. The seating sculptures have a number of advantages thanks to their propane…
Tom Cruise Plays Egg Russian Roulette on His Head on ‘Late Night With Jimmy Fallon’
In April, Tom Cruise was a guest on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon to promote his new movie, Oblivion, and while in the studio took…
Microscopic Crystal Flowers Sculpted by Chemistry
Harvard researcher Wim L. Noorduin molded crystals into beautiful microscopic flowers using chemistry as his artistic tool. Noorduin manipulated the chemical gradient of the liquids…
The Various Varieties of Fruits by Pop Chart Lab
(larger) Pop Chart Lab has created a lovely chart of over 300 luscious fruits “from Berries like Huckleberry, Gooseberry, and Boysenberry to more exotic crops…
Wake, An Alarm App For iOS That Asks Users to Slap, Shake, and Flip Their Phones
Wake is an alarm clock app for iOS created by Tiny Hearts that lets users snooze by slapping their phone or turn off the alarm…
Cat Boarding, A Cat in a Box on a Skateboard Drifting Down a Hall
Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best, like Cat Boarding, a cat is placed in a box and then sent down the hallway on a…
Incredible Animal Defense Mechanisms Explained
Kevin Lieber, also known as Vsauce2, shows and explains a number of incredible animal defense mechanisms in his latest Facts and Knowledge (FAK) video segment,…
Homemade Remake of the Clock Tower Scene in ‘Back to the Future’
The memorable clock tower scene scene in Back to the Future (1985) has been given a homemade remake in this new Cinefix episode of Homemade…