Street Artist Kai Installs Unauthorized Solo Exhibition at the Louvre Museum’s Métro Station
In May 2013, street artist Kai installed his own solo exhibition at the Louvre-Rivoli subway station near the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The unauthorized…

Dress Made Entirely of White LEGO Bricks
Rie Hosokai’s LEGO dress and the balloon dress it was modeled after. Designer Rie Hosokai of Daisy Balloon has created a white dress made entirely…

Time-Lapse of an Eruption and Shock Wave at Popocatépetl, Mexico
Webcams de Mexico captured an amazing time-lapse of an explosion and subsequent shock wave from Popocatépetl, an active volcano in Mexico. via Wired

NSA Flix, A Netflix For Private Information
“Everyone watches Mad Men on Netflix, but why not watch real alcoholics cheat on their wives?” If you’d like to “listen to hours of private…

Horrifying ‘Game of Thrones’ White Walker Mask
Composite Effects (CFX), famous for their quality silicone masks, created a horrifying White Walker mask based on the deadly mythological race of creatures from Game…

Fan Art of Video Game Characters Painted on Hand-Held Fans
Artist Carrie Gonzalez has created a collection of “fan” art, painting characters from Pokémon, Journey, Okami, and other video games directly on fans. More of…

The Periodic Table of Elemental Discoveries By Country
Science communicator and PhD student Jamie Gallagher has created a periodic table of the elements that shows which country each element was discovered in. Speaking…

Giant Cake Replica of the Heathrow Express Airport Train
To celebrate the 15th birthday of the Heathrow Express airport train in London, Miss Cakehead and the Eat Your Heart Out team built a 13-foot-long…

Everything Wrong With ‘Independence Day’ In 6 Minutes Or Less
“Only in movies does every abandoned vehicle have its keys hidden above in the visor.” For their ongoing series, CinemaSins has released a new video…

Giraffe Chases After Safari Jeep
A giraffe chases after a safari jeep in this video by Henk Roos. According to Roos, the giraffe chased the group for about five kilometers…