Bacon Jam Cronut Burger
The Bacon Jam Cronut Burger is a collaboration between Le Dolci bakery (who will provide the cronut part) and Epic Burgers and Waffles restaurant in…
Ultra Fast Formula One Pit Stop in Slow Motion
A highly choreographed 2.05-second pit stop by a Formula One team is shown in slow motion in this video by Infiniti Red Bull Racing. via…
The Madness From the Sea, A Custom Cthulhu Statue Made of 1,400 LEGO Bricks
Carl Merriam of The Brick Laboratory debuted his latest custom creation, a Cthulhu statue titled “The Madness From the Sea,” at Bricks by the Bay…
Thorested Development, Animated Mashup of ‘Arrested Development’ & The ‘Thor: The Dark World’ Trailer
“Now free from prison, Loki found himself in a different kind of prison… His family.” Herzliya, Israel-based illustrator Leigh Lahav has created “Thorested Development,” an…
A Message From the Man Has Fun With Burning Man Stereotypes
“A Message From the Man” is a music video (rapped by the “Burning Man” himself) that “plays with many of the tried and true Burner…
Tongue-in-Cheek British Ad Urges an End to ‘Marmite Neglect’
A “Marmite Rescue Unit” bursts into British homes to rescue neglected jars of Marmite, the notoriously intense British food spread, in this commercial released…
Animal-Human Baby-Pet, A Sculpted Genetic Hybrid of a Dog & A Baby
Chinese artist Lingxizhu Meng has created the animal-human baby-pet, a realistic genetic cross between a baby and a dog. The animal-human baby-pet provides a balance…
Bizarre Illegal Mountain Villa Built on Rooftop of Beijing Apartment Tower
photo by Luo Xiaoguang/Xinhua Over the past six years, a sprawling 2-story mountain villa has been constructed—without government permission—high atop a 26-story apartment building in…
Tiny Shiba Inu Toy Gives a Real Dog a Relaxing Massage
A little Shiba Inu toy gives a real Shiba Inu a relaxing massage in this cute video. via Yahoo Japan
How Old Are Your Ears, A Hearing Test by AsapScience
The latest video by AsapScience includes a handy-dandy hearing test that answers the question, “how old are your ears?” AsapScience is created by Mitchell Moffit…