Comics Illustrating Irrational ‘Deep Dark Fears’
Los Angeles animator Fran Krause has created Deep Dark Fears, a Tumblr that translates irrational, lurking fears into comic strips.
Two Coke Cans Getting Slowly Devoured by Lava
An Animated Guide to American Football for ‘Liberals, Ladies, and Limeys’
London-based director, animator, and designer Fraser Davidson has created a visually stunning animated “guide to American football for liberals, ladies, and limeys.” It was voiced…
Everything Wrong with ‘Underworld’ in 7 Minutes or Less
“This movie is one British actor away from being Love Actually.” For their ongoing series, CinemaSins has released a new video that hunts down and…
Three Kittens in Jerseys Playing a Game of Basketball
Kitties Marumo, Michelle and May are properly suited up for a game of hoops in this ridiculously adorable video posted by 9Cats. Marumo Michelle Michelle…
Airbus Beluga Cargo Plane Transports Aircraft Parts and Resembles a Flying Whale
The Airbus A300-600ST “Beluga” is a large cargo aircraft with a bulbous cargo hold that is designed to carry aircraft parts and other oversize cargo.…
Squarespace Logo, A Web App For Creating Simple Logos
Today website publishing platform Squarespace released Squarespace Logo, an easy-to-use web app for creating simple logos. The app includes fonts by Google Fonts and icons…
Humorous High Fashion Animal Headgear at Thom Browne’s Fall 2014 Menswear Show
photo by Yannis Vlamos/IndigitalTeam At his fall 2014 menswear show in Paris on Sunday, American fashion designer Thom Browne unleashed a parade of models adorned…
The Buddhist Bug Project, Artist Wears Extremely Long Bug Costume To Explore Her Cambodian Heritage
In her “Buddhist Bug Project”, Cambodian artist Anida Yoeu Ali explored her cultural heritage by staging a series of site-specific performances around Cambodia in a…
8-Bit Cinema – The Big Lebowski Retold in Three Animated Minutes
CineFix has released a new episode of 8-Bit Cinema that retells the 1998 comedy film The Big Lebowski in three animated minutes. It was written…