Everything Wrong with ‘King Kong’ (2005) in 10 Minutes or Less
For their ongoing series, CinemaSins has released a new video that finds “Everything Wrong with King Kong (2005) in 10 Minutes or Less.” When a…
A Fascinating Exploration of the Ever Increasing Size of Godzilla
Researcher and writer Craig McClain explores the constantly increasing size of Godzilla according to Cope’s rule in a recent article at Deep Sea News. McClain’s…
Vhoto, An App for Pulling the Best Photos Out of Videos
Vhoto is an app designed to pull incredible stills out of videos. The app can takes its own video, or import one taken by a…
The Most Overrated and Underrated Films as Determined by Comparing Critic and Audience Scores
Edinburgh-based PhD student Ben Moore used the reviews presented at Rotten Tomatoes to figure out which movies are most overrated and which are most underrated…
Illustris, An Incredibly Detailed and Realistic Simulation of the Universe
The Illustris project is an incredibly detailed and realistic cosmological simulation of the formation of galaxies in our Universe by a talented group of researchers…
Glove and Boots Take a BuzzFeed Quiz so That We Don’t Have To
On a recent episode of Glove and Boots, Internet puppets Fafa the Groundhog and Mario bite the bullet and take a BuzzFeed quiz so that…
Characters From Disney’s ‘Frozen’ Illustrated in the Dark Style of Tim Burton
Japanese artist Yoko has created a marvelous series of illustrations that imagine characters from Disney‘s animated film Frozen in the dark style of Tim Burton.…
Artist Builds Tiny Homes for Homeless People out of Salvaged Materials With the Homeless Homes Project
In an effort to provide housing to homeless people, Oakland-based artist Gregory Kloehn is building tiny homes out of salvaged materials in an endeavor he…
A Tiny Hamster Eating A Tiny Slice of Pizza
A tiny hamster eats a tiny slice of pizza on a perfectly set cloth in what seems to be April’s Animals‘ tribute to the video…
How to Make the Simpsons Family Out of LEGO Bricks
In honor of The Simpsons LEGO-themed episode that aired recently, Chicago animator David Pickett (a.k.a. “fallentomato“) of Nightly News at Nine has created a video…