Sesame Street Animation of an Elegant Pig Singing Eloquently About the Exquisite Joy of a Porcine Existence
In this classic Sesame Street video, an elegant animated pig sings quite eloquently about the exquisites joy of a porcine existence, most particularly his mud…
SocialPlanes, A Series of Paper Airplanes Designed to Physically Send Social Media Messages
SocialPlanes is a series of paper airplanes designed to physically send social media messages. For example, one of the four designs states “We are not…
A Supercut of Rage-Induced Table Flipping in 34 Classic Films
Vimeo user Roman Holiday has created a supercut video of rage-induced table flipping in 34 classic films. You can view the full list of movies…
Kate & Cat: Photographer Updates His Series Showcasing the Ongoing Friendship Between His Daughter and Her Cat
Russian photographer and economist Andy Prokh has continued to update his wonderful series of chimerical black and white photos showcasing the remarkable friendship between his…
It’s Okay To Be Smart Explores the Scientific Concepts That Go Into Making Good Barbecue
In the latest episode of the PBS Digital series “It’s Okay to Be Smart,” host Joe Hanson travels to Franklin Barbecue in Austin, Texas to…
Leaked ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Production Photos Show the Beginning Stages of the Millennium Falcon
TMZ has shared some leaked Star Wars: Episode VII production photos that show the beginning stages of Han Solo’s legendary spaceship the Millennium Falcon. You…
xkcd Explores the Effects of Gravity on Massive Flocks of Starlings
In the latest “What If” by xkcd, a reader asks how large a flock of starlings would have to be before gravity began to take…
Thimble the Mini Pig Plays Toy Piano, Rocks Out On Pink Guitar and Dresses Up In Fantastic Costumes
Thimble is a very talented little pig. Not only does she play the toy piano, she also rocks out on a pink guitar and dresses…
LifePoint, A New Facebook Feature That Scans Profiles for When Precisely Things Went Wrong in Users’ Lives
The Onion reports on LifePoint, a new Facebook feature that scans users’ profiles to find precisely when things went wrong in their lives. The new…
‘My Mom’s Motorcycle’, A Heartwarming Short Film About Our Connections to Objects and People
“My Mom’s Motorcycle” is a short film by Cincinnati-based filmmaker Douglas Gautraud that explores the roles objects play in our lives and how they help…