‘Space Cat HOB’, An Animated Short Film About a Feline Warrior’s Arrival on a Dangerous New Planet
“Space Cat HOB” is a futuristic animated short film by French concept artist Loïc Bramoullé about a small feline warrior trying to find out the…
Massive Flower Sculptures at the 2014 Corso Zundert Parade in the Netherlands
photo by Erwin Martens A series of incredible giant flower sculptures were displayed last weekend at the 2014 Corso Zundert (see previously), an annual flower…
A Beautiful Crocheted Bowl of Ramen Noodles That Looks Good Enough to Eat
Artist betibettin crocheted a beautiful bowl of ramen noodles complete with eggs, roast pork, and green onions. They even posted a video showing how it…
The Third Volume of Chemistry Life Hacks by The American Chemical Society ‘Reactions’ Web Series
“Awesome Chemistry Life Hacks (Vol. 3)” is the third “Chemistry Life Hacks” installment (see previously) by The American Chemical Society’s web series Reactions. It offers simple chemistry-based…
NASA Astronaut Reid Wiseman Records a Vine Video of a Thunderstorm From the International Space Station
“Wow. That is lightning.” NASA Astronaut Reid Wiseman uploaded a Vine video of a thunderstorm in progress from his view on board the International Space Station.…
A Forced Perspective Video by Apple About the Importance of Seeing Things Differently
Apple released a forced perspective video about the importance of seeing things different as part of their recent live event in Cupertino, California where they…
Postmodern Jukebox and The Tee-Tones Perform ‘Problem’ by Ariana Grande as a Vintage 1950s Doo-Wop Song
Pop music cover band Postmodern Jukebox (see previously), vocalist Robyn Adele Anderson, and The Tee-Tones acappella group teamed up to perform a vintage 1950s doo-wop…
The Bass Cannon, A Shoulder-Mounted ‘Weapon’ That Fires Bass Beats
The Bass Cannon is a shoulder-mounted bass amplifier created by California-based hardware hacker Adam Munich that is designed to look like a small cannon. The…
An Animated Short Breaking Down the Mechanics of Impact During a Bicycle Crash
Helmet designer Giro Sport has created an animated short detailing what happens to the human head during a a bicycle crash. Although no two crashes…
Obscure Facts About the Television Series ‘Seinfeld’ That You May Not Have Known
CineFix has highlighted seven obscure facts (see previously) about the popular television series Seinfeld (1989-1998) that you may not have known. These 7 tidbits will…