Packa Pappas Kappsäck by Michael Johansson

Packa Pappas Kappsäck, 2006 (Pack Daddy's Suitcases) by Michael Johansson

Packa Pappas Kappsäck (Pack Daddy’s Suitcases), 2006 by Swedish artist Michael Johansson.

The title comes from an old Swedish rhyme and refers to the difficulty of repeating the same thing several times. This time, the repetition lies in differently sized suitcases that fit perfectly inside one another, and thus lose their original purpose.

[via Things Organized Neatly and Amy Jenkins]


Actor, nerd, poet, producer, writer mikl-em made his name short so you wouldn't have to. In addition to his blog you can find his writing in "Hi Fructose" magazine and witness him almost life-sized in various plays at The Dark Room Theater in SF's Mission district.

He tends to write about theater, humor, San Francisco culture and history, and stuff that's just plain weird. He thanks Scott for sharing the keys to the Laughing Squid virtual HQ and promises to uphold whatever it is that the mirthful cephalopod would prefer to be uplifted.