Mischievous Brown Bear Playfully Squirts His German Shepherd Buddy With a Garden Hose
A mischievous brown bear named Timo, who lives in Villacarrillo, Spain, playfully twirls a garden hose, squirting his German Shepherd buddy who does his best to catch the stream of water that’s been aimed in his direction. Originally from Siberia, Timo is a talented bear who, among his many skills, can “play the trumpet, sit in a chair [and] twist hula-hoop.” Timo and his human Pavel Vyakin have performed together all around the world. According to Vyakin, Timo is an easy-going bear.
He has amazing qualities, he loves to play, he never shows any aggression, he’s not greedy and he’s great friends with my dog. We are very fond and proud of him! He is a member of our family!