James Earl Jones Presents the Top Ten Things That Sound Cool When He Says Them on ‘Letterman’ in 2001

While appearing on the David Letterman Show in February 2001, the great James Earl Jones mostly kept a straight face as he presented the Top Ten things that only sound cool when he says them aloud in his wonderfully booming baritone.

James Earl Jones presents things that only sound cool when he says them.

A year earlier, Jones presented the Top Ten Effects of Y2K on New Year’s Eve.

In memory of the late great actor who passed away on September 9, 2024, Letterman created a hilarious compilation of every appearance Jones made on the show.

Some of our favorite moments with James Earl Jones. RIP. (From “Late Show,” air dates: 9/22/93, 12/31/99, 1/8/96, 2/11/98, 10/13/93, 5/24/00, 6/26/03, 2/13/01, 6/19/03)

Jones recited the alphabet and counted to 10 on Sesame Street early in his career.

Rest in Peace Mr. Jones. The world has gone bit more silent without your distinctive voice to carry us through.

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.