Indoor Cat Loves Going Outside to Play in the Snow
A beautiful Ragdoll cat named Kit, who lives primarily indoors, adorably scratches at the door to go outside and play in the snow. According to his human Ami Melanson, Kit is smitten with snow, so she takes him outside on a leash to let him enjoy it.
Kit is my 2.5year old male ragdoll, I’ve never known a cat to be so obsessed with snow as Kit is. He is not an outdoor kitty, but as soon as he sees snow he just wants to be outside playing in it.
When the weather is too bad for Kit to go out, Ami brings the snow inside to Kit.
Someone had mentioned, why don’t you put snow in the tub for him? And I’m like you know what that’s actually a good idea. I questioned if he was gonna enjoy it as much and I was wrong. He was in there for over an hour and a half just playing by himself.
Sometimes Kit’s sibling Willow joins in the bathtub snow fun.