How to Transform Woolly Sweaters Into Sassy Pants Called ‘Swants’

Reykjavik Swants 10

Master knitter and dancer Stephen West of Westknits shows us how to make “Swants”, aka sweater pants, in his detailed online tutorial. He takes us through his entire process of “transforming woolly sweaters into sassy pants.”

A pair of swants a day keeps the chilly chills away.
Your bum will thank you and friends may spank you.
Envelop your thighs with cozy knit stitches.
You’ll be the envy of all in your stylish new britches.

Swants require courage, attitude, and spunk.
Every pair you wear is a bingo, yahtzee, slam dunk!
Strangers may sneer, but have no fear
Because you are a pioneer discovering a new frontier.

Here is a comfy-looking Swants Dance by the Westknits Fun Squad:

Swants Tutorial 2

Reykjavik Swants 1

Patchwork Swants 2

Intarsia Swants 3

Norwegian Swants 1

photos by Kyli Kleven and Jarrod Duncan

via Makin’ology

Justin Page
Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.