Gracht, Animated Short Film About a Father & Son’s Crazy Day Helping a Young Lady Move

Gracht” is an animated short film created in six months by Joost de Jong, Nick Groeneveld, Jeroen Hoolmans and Michael Koning, students at Utrecht School of the Arts in Hilversum, Netherlands. It follows a father and son, who run a moving company, and lead a normal day to day life. That is, until they help a young lady move her belonging to a different apartment. Their day quickly turns into a crazy adventure. The music and sound design for “Gracht” was created by the SoundBreeders collective.



video and images via Gracht

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

Justin Page
Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.