Scott Beale

Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.

Shorpy: Vintage Photo Blog

Shorpy is a wonderful photo blog featuring vintage photographs taken in US cities from around turn of the century up through the 1940’s. is…

Mooninite Party: Keep Looking Up!

As many as 5 of the controversial Aqua Teen Hunger Force LED Mooninites that have been found in San Francisco will be joining forces this…

Chris Ware Animates This American Life

The popular WBEZ Chicago public radio show “This American Life”, featuring Ira Glass and produced by Public Radio International (PRI), has been recently transformed into…

ETech 2007

I’m headed down to San Diego next week for the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference 2007 (ETech) to hang out with more geeks and shoot photos.…

Alive in Baghdad Donation Drive

Alive in Baghdad is an amazing video blog that features weekly reports from Iraq in an effort to provide an alternative to mainstream media coverage.…

BarCamp Los Angeles 3

BarCamp Los Angeles 3 takes place this weekend, March 24-25, at the Little Radio Warehouse. I’ve heard really great things about the previous BarCamps in…

SuperHappyDevHouse 16

SuperHappyDevHouse 16, the latest incarnation of the Bay Area’s premier hackathon, takes place this Saturday, March 24th, returning to its original location in Hillsborough. Join…

WordPress Launches New Plugin Directory

Last week WordPress launched a new Plugin Directory. Plugins are one of the best features of WordPress, allowing you to extend the functionality of your…