Simple Spark: 5000 Web Apps in 333 Seconds
Simple Spark is an online resource for web applications. They just created a video showing the logos of the first 5000 companies that they have…
What If Business Meetings Had A Comment System
College Humor has produced a hilarious video “Internet Commenter Business Meeting” showing what a business meeting might look like if comments were enabled.
Hewlett-Packard (HP) Garage, Birthplace of Silicon Valley
Last Sunday at BarCampBlock, Robert Scoble talked Hewlett-Packard into opening up the famous HP garage, where Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard started HP in 1939,…

PostSecret Video and New Book of Secrets on Postcards
In 2004 Frank Warren started a community art project where he asked people to anonymously mail him a postcard with one of their secrets on…

The Almost-Annual Matt Armbruster Memorial Big Wheel Rally
The Almost-Annual Matt Armbruster Memorial Big Wheel Rally takes place this Saturday, August 25th in Boulder, CO. The event is a benefit for Saint Joseph…
John Hell Returns to Radio Tonight on Pirate Cat Radio
photo by Scott Beale My good friend John Hell, who produces the excellent podcast “A Season In Hell” (see my previous write-up), is making his…
Penny Arcade Expo 2007, A Giant Three Day Game Festival
The annual Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), a giant video and computer game festival produced by the guys behind the popular online comic Penny Arcade, takes…
SXSW Interactive 2008 Panel Picker
SXSW Interactive 2008 has just launched their Panel Picker where you can vote for the panels you want to see at the event next year.…
BarCampBlock Photos
Here are a few photos I shot on Saturday at BarCampBlock in Palo Alto, the 2nd anniversary of the original BarCamp. There’s a bunch more…
How’s My Blogging?
Spotted on a car at last weekend’s BarCampBlock.